

How Long Can You Recover the Cost of Solar Panels?


The past few decades saw huge developments in the use of solar power. These grid panels can use solar energy and turn it into electricity. Many neighborhoods have at least one house with solar panels installed on the roof.

Someone may have passed by your house offering solar panels for your home. These solar company representatives can be found just about everywhere. You may not have explored the use of solar power for your home since you are not familiar with how the whole system works. You may have also thought it is expensive.

Many people feel the same way. They are not using solar energy simply because they are not sure how much they have to spend on it. They may also be wondering when the...


How Does Solar Storage Work?

Storage helps complete a typical household solar system, which uses solar panels to collect energy from the sun and turn it into electrical energy. An inverter then turns that energy into the right kind of current to power a home.

Many people think that most solar-powered homes are independent of the electrical grid. Actually, the majority work in partnership with the local utility. When solar panels produce more energy than a home needs – as on a bright, sunny day – the excess electricity is fed back to the utility. Moreover, when the panels produce less – like on dark overcast days – a solar home pulls in the electricity it needs from the utility.

This arrangement g...


A qué se deben los ahorros de la energía solar?

En el más reciente blog, hablamos de costos añadidos al bill eléctrico, costos extra que hablaban de transportación y generación.

Pero, de qué se tratan éstos costos y por qué ocupan la mayor parte de la factura eléctrica?

Pues, éstos cargos son los que realiza la compañía de utilidad al generar energía desde una planta remota y posteriormente trasladarla hasta su hogar, es por eso que por cada KW que utilice, necesariamente estará siendo cobrado también por el transporte y generación de éste.

Éstos costos añadidos, pueden no parecer mucho por sí mismos, ya...


How to Scale Home Energy Financing Products


For homeowners making a decision about how to finance a home purchase, options are relatively consistent regardless of where you live. Mortgages rates and terms are comparable across markets and more dependent on your own personal preferences than location—making a potential home buyer’s financing decision much more straightforward.

But decisions about how to finance a home energy upgrade are far more complex. Loan options vary depending on the state (and even municipality) in which you live, and financing packages come with a huge variety of different terms, rates, and origination requirements. This complexity can dissuade even the most motivated homeowners trying to make sense o...